
Ask and it is given calendar
Ask and it is given calendar

ask and it is given calendar

  • A recipient of a Student Award, other than a Bursary, may accept the honour of a Student Award but decline the monetary.
  • The University reserves the right to withhold Student Awards established through donations from donors to the University where the required funds have not yet been received by the University. In any given year, if invested funds do not provide sufficient income to disburse any endowed Student Award, payment of the Student Award may be reduced or withheld.
  • The University does not guarantee the payment of any Student Awards other than those funded by the University.
  • If the amount of the student award is greater than the fees, the excess is paid to the student.
  • Student awards issued by the University are applied to tuition and to other student fees owing.
  • Bursaries and any other Student Awards that are solely Need-based, shall not be listed on the transcript of academic record.
  • Hybrid Awards given based on criteria that do not include Academic Merit or other academic achievement shall not be listed on the transcript of academic record unless otherwise approved by Senate.
  • Hybrid Awards given in part on the basis of Academic Merit, Fellowships, Medals, Prizes, Scholarships and any other Student Awards given solely or partially based on Academic Merit or other academic achievement, shall be listed on the transcript of academic record unless otherwise approved by Senate.
  • The recording of Student Awards on a student’s official transcript of academic record shall be determined as follows:.
  • ask and it is given calendar

  • Where variation to the endowment purpose must be approved by the Board of Governors, the variation to the endowment purpose must be approved by the Board of Governors before changes to the terms of the Student Award are approved by Senate.
  • If variation is required, whether the variation of the purposes of the endowment may be approved by the Board of Governors or requires court approval.
  • If endowed, whether the change is within the scope of the purposes of the endowment or whether the purposes of the endowment would require variation and.
  • ask and it is given calendar

  • If by a donor, whether funding is annual or endowed.
  • Whether the Student Award is funded by the University or a.
  • The process and approvals will depend on factors such as:.
  • Where the Senate wishes to change the terms of a Student Award, the Senate will consult with the Office of the University Counsel to determine the necessary process and approvals required to implement that change.
  • The Senate may periodically review the terms of a Student Award so that it may better meet new conditions, more fully carry out the spirit of a gift from a donor or maintain the usefulness of the Student Award.
  • In approving Student Awards, the University shall consider its stated commitments to equity, inclusion, and diversity.
  • When approving Student Awards established through donations from donors to the University for identifiable individuals or groups, the University shall consider the origin and context of the donor’s gift. No part of this policy should be interpreted to preclude Student Awards that have as their object the amelioration of the conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups or other bona fide and reasonable justification.
  • The University shall not approve any Student Award that is in consistent with applicable human rights legislation or offends public policy.
  • The title of any Student Award approved by the University must include the term defined in this policy that corresponds to the defined “Student Award Type” to which it belongs, except in the case of Hybrid Awards, which may be titled as “Award”.
  • The University shall not normally approve Student Awards of any type other than the “Student Award Types” defined in this policy.
  • Approval of New Awards and Changes to Existing Awards The following regulations, as approved by the University of British Columbia Senate, govern all awards over which the University has jurisdiction. Homepage Campus-wide Policies and Regulations University Awards University Awards Regulations Governing University Awards
  • Requirements to Receive a Degree or Diploma.
  • Letter of Permission to Study at Another Institution.
  • Faculty, Department and Program-Specific Policies and Regulations.
  • Content and Distribution of Course Syllabi.
  • Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
  • Academic Accommodation for all Students’ Religious Observances and for the Cultural Observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students.

  • Ask and it is given calendar